Official Press Release of Pangkal Pinang City Inflation and Economic Growth Statistics December 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Official Press Release of Pangkal Pinang City Inflation and Economic Growth Statistics December 2024

Official Press Release of Pangkal Pinang City Inflation and Economic Growth Statistics December 2024

January 2, 2025 | Other Activities

For the first time, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Pangkal Pinang City released inflation and economic growth data at the beginning of January 2025. Head of BPS Pangkal Pinang City, Dewi Savitri SST, M.Si explained the concept/definition and explained various event notes before explaining the figures that would be released. At this release, the official Mayor of Pangkal Pinang was represented by the Acting Assistant for Economics and Development, Drs. Juhaini.

In December 2024, there will be m-to-m inflation of 0.26% and y-on-y inflation of 0.76%. The main contributor to December 2024 inflation on an m-to-m basis is the Food, Beverage and Tobacco group with a contribution of 0.34%. The main contributors to inflation in December 2024 m-to-m are red chilies, kale, ice cream and cooking oil. The main contributor to inflation in December 2024 on a y-on-y basis is the Food, Beverage and Tobacco group with a contribution of 0.48%. The main contributing commodities to inflation in December 2024 on a y-on-y basis are Machine-Made Clove Cigarettes (SKM), Ground Coffee, Purebred Chicken and Rice.

Meanwhile, economic growth in terms of production for the secondary sector contracted, with the base metal industry subcategory supported by tin experiencing a quite deep decline compared to the third quarter of 2023. Then the primary sector grew positively with fisheries, which is the biggest contributor to this category, experiencing an increase, still growing positively, although slowing compared to the third quarter of 2023. Then for the tertiary sector growth slowed down with the volume of goods traded in the Pangkal Pinang area still increasing. On the other hand, on the expenditure side, household consumption expenditure grew positively, although it grew positively by 2.28 percent, but there was a slowdown compared to growth in the third quarter of 2023.  Laul, PMTB is still growing positively with the realization of capital expenditures such as the construction of buildings and roads as well as the procurement of machinery and equipment, increasing. Then, government consumption expenditure grew positively with an increase in the realization of the government budget for personnel expenditure due to the increase in ASN.



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