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In August 2020, Pangkalpinang had a deflation of 0.61 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 102.47. Of the 90 CPI cities, 37 cities experienced inflation and 53 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Meulaboh at 0.88 percent with a CPI of 107.53 and the lowest occurred in Batam, Kediri, and Kotamobagu at 0.02 percent with CPI 103.24; 104.51; and 105.93. Meanwhile, the highest deflation occurred in Kupang at 0.92 percent with CPI 102.48.
Deflation occurred due to lower prices as indicated by lower indexes in several expenditure groups, namely: the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.90 percent; the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel group of 0.02 percent; the transportation group of 2.19 percent; the information, communication and financial services group of 0.41 percent. While the groups that experienced inflation were the clothing and footwear group by 0.15 percent; the equipment, tools and household routine maintenance group by 0.35 percent; the health group of 0.09 percent; the food and beverage/restaurant supply group by 0.03 percent; and personal care and other services group by 6.25 percent. Meanwhile, the recreation, sports and culture and education groups did not experience changes in the index/stable.
During the calendar year January-August 2020 there was a deflation of 0.43 percent with year on year (August 2020 against August 2019) deflation of 1.22 percent.
The energy component in August 2020 deflation was 0.01 percent with a CPI of 101.33 August 2020. The foodstuff component this month experienced deflation of 2.62 percent with a CPI of 99.14.