Agustus 2020, Pangkalpinang Deflasi 0,61%, IHK 102,47 - Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Pangkal Pinang

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Agustus 2020, Pangkalpinang Deflasi 0,61%, IHK 102,47

Agustus 2020, Pangkalpinang Deflasi 0,61%, IHK 102,47Unduh Berita Resmi Statistik
Tanggal Rilis : 1 September 2020
Ukuran File : 1.1 MB


  • In August 2020, Pangkalpinang had a deflation of 0.61 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 102.47. Of the 90 CPI cities, 37 cities experienced inflation and 53 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Meulaboh at 0.88 percent with a CPI of 107.53 and the lowest occurred in Batam, Kediri, and Kotamobagu at 0.02 percent with CPI 103.24; 104.51; and 105.93. Meanwhile, the highest deflation occurred in Kupang at 0.92 percent with CPI 102.48.
  • Deflation occurred due to lower prices as indicated by lower indexes in several expenditure groups, namely: the food, beverage and tobacco group by 1.90 percent; the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel group of 0.02 percent; the transportation group of 2.19 percent; the information, communication and financial services group of 0.41 percent. While the groups that experienced inflation were the clothing and footwear group by 0.15 percent; the equipment, tools and household routine maintenance group by 0.35 percent; the health group of 0.09 percent; the food and beverage/restaurant supply group by 0.03 percent; and personal care and other services group by 6.25 percent. Meanwhile, the recreation, sports and culture and education groups did not experience changes in the index/stable.
  • During the calendar year January-August 2020 there was a deflation of 0.43 percent with year on year (August 2020 against August 2019) deflation of 1.22 percent.
  • The energy component in August 2020 deflation was 0.01 percent with a CPI of 101.33 August 2020. The foodstuff component this month experienced deflation of 2.62 percent with a CPI of 99.14.
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