The Gini Ratio of the Bangka Belitung Islands in March 2021 is 0.256 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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The Gini Ratio of the Bangka Belitung Islands in March 2021 is 0.256

Release Date : July 15, 2021
File Size : 0.95 MB


  • In March 2021, the level of inequality in the expenditure of the residents of the Bangka Belitung Islands as measured by the Gini Ratio was 0.256. This figure has decreased when compared to the September 2020 Gini Ratio (0.257) and March 2020 Gini Ratio (0.262).
  • The Gini Ratio in urban areas in March 2021 was 0.265, decreased compared to September 2020 (0.271) and also decreased compared to March 2020 (0.276). The Gini Ratio in rural areas in March 2021 of 0.221 also decreased compared to the Gini Ratio in September 2020 (0.229) but increased compared to the Gini Ratio in March 2020 (0.220).
  • Another measure of inequality that is often used is the percentage of expenditure in the bottom 40 percent of the population. Based on this measure, the level of inequality is divided into 3 categories, namely “high” if the number is below 12 percent, “moderate” if the number is between 12-17 percent, and “low” if the number is above 17 percent.
  • In March 2021, the distribution of expenditure in the lowest 40 percent group was 25.19 percent. This means that population expenditure is still in the category of low inequality level. If broken down by region, in urban areas the figure is recorded at 24.64 percent, while for rural areas it is 27.05 percent, which means that both in urban and rural areas are included in the low inequality category.
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