January 2016, Exports Decline Sharply, Total Value of Exports US $ 48.98 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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January 2016, Exports Decline Sharply, Total Value of Exports US $ 48.98 million

January 2016, Exports Decline Sharply, Total Value of Exports US $ 48.98 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 18, 2017
File Size : 1.16 MB


EXPORT Bangka Belitung Islands
  • The export value of Bangka Belitung Islands in January 2016 reached US $ 48.98 million, down sharply compared with the value of exports in December 2015 reached US $ 110.30 juta.Total these exports consist of tin exports amounted to US $ 33.02 million and amounted nontimah US $ 15.96 million.
  • Tin is the largest export which contribute 67.41 per cent of the total exports of the Province of Bangka Belitung. The main objective of tin exports in January 2016 were Singapore, which reached US $ 12.09 million, or 36.61 percent of the total exports of tin, followed by India of US $ 7.72 million (23.40 percent), the Republic of Korea US $ 5.82 million (17.63 percent), Netherlands US $ 2.06 million (6.25 percent) and Taiwan US $ 1.71 million (5.19 percent).
  • The main commodity largest contributor to exports nontimah Bangka Belitung Islands in January 2016 under the code of the Harmonized System (HS) 2 digits is a group of oils or animal fats and vegetable in the amount of US $ 11.1 million contribute 69.5 percent to the total export nontimah, followed by group coffee, tea and spices US $ 2.7 million (16.8 percent); various chemical products (HS 38) amounted to US $ 0.7 million (4.6 percent) and fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates US $ 0.6 million (3.8 percent).
  • Exports during the month of January 2016 nontimah to Pakistan reached US $ 4.5 million, with the largest export commodity is crude palm oil. In the second position is occupied by the Republic of Singapore, which totaled US $ 4.4 million, with the largest export commodity is crude palm oil. Followed by the Republic of Korea US $ 3.4 million, Malaysia US $ 2.5 million with fishery products and preparations, as well as Japan's US $ 0.6 million. Meanwhile, in January, there are no exports to the Netherlands.

IMPORT Bangka Belitung Islands
  • Import value of Bangka Belitung Islands in January 2016 was recorded at US $ 3.7 million, decreased by 57.44 percent compared to the previous month to reach US $ 8.69 million.
  • In January 2016 that have the largest import value is a class of machines / mechanic (HS 84) of US $ 0.16 million, contributed 78.61 percent to the total imports of Bangka Belitung province. Followed by fertilizers (HS 31) of US $ 0.02 million (8.57 percent).
  • Of the five main countries of origin of imports in January 2016, Malaysia is a country that is Malaysia's largest source of imports to US $ 2.40 million contribute 64.79 percent of total imports. Followed by Singapore US $ 1.28 million (34.62 per cent) and China US $ 0.02 million (0.58 percent). In January there are no imports from countries Thailand and Belgium.
  • When compared to the month of December 2015, the visible decline in total imports of five major countries of up to 56.23 percent. The largest decrease was from Thailand amounted to 100 percent due in December reached $ 2.70 million, but in the month of January 2016 no imports from this country. This decrease followed by Singapore amounted to 72.07 percent from US $ 4.59 million to $ 1.28 million. However, on the other hand an increase in the value of imports, namely from Malaysia increased by 116.79 percent from US $ 1.11 million to US $ 2.40.
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