First Quarter, 2015 Consumer Perception Of Economic Conditions Decline compared to Quarter Previous - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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First Quarter, 2015 Consumer Perception Of Economic Conditions Decline compared to Quarter Previous

First Quarter, 2015 Consumer Perception Of Economic Conditions Decline compared to Quarter Previous Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 9, 2015
File Size : 0.62 MB


  • Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) is an indicator of current economic development generated by the Central Bureau of Statistics Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). ITK is an index measuring the level of consumer perceptions of economic conditions of households in the quarter danperkiraan for the coming quarter.
  • Since Quarter I-2015 method of calculating STK experienced improvements in minor scale on the questionnaire and the method of computation. As for the sample area coverage STK, still held on Belitung, Pangkalpinang City and East Belitung province. On the implementation of the first quarter STK-2015 is the target number of samples to be enumerated as many as 170 households, with a response rate reached 93.5 percent.

Consumer Economic Conditions First Quarter-2015

  • Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Bangka-Belitung in the first quarter 2015 amounted to 92.19, meaning that in Quarter I-2015 according to consumer perceptions of economic conditions declined compared to the fourth quarter-2014. Declining economic conditions consumers primarily driven by a decrease in volume / frequency of household consumption (96.83) and household income (index value of 86.16) and influential inflation to total household consumption (index value of 99.85).
Consumer Economics forecasts Quarter II-2015

  • ITK value Bangka Belitung in Quarter II-2015 is estimated at 107.88, meaning that according to consumer perceptions of economic conditions expected to membaik.Hal is allegedly due to the influence of the weather is more friendly to the volume of agricultural commodities such as fisheries, horticulture crops season and expectation of price mainstay plantations such as palm oil, rubber and pepper were improved, including the activities of desperation on wheels will roll tin normal people .In addition there are also religious events like Ascension and prayer tomb (Cengbeng).
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