According to Consumer Perception, the Economic Conditions of the Bangka Belitung Islands Quarter IV 2019 Tend to Be Fixed - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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According to Consumer Perception, the Economic Conditions of the Bangka Belitung Islands Quarter IV 2019 Tend to Be Fixed

According to Consumer Perception, the Economic Conditions of the Bangka Belitung Islands Quarter IV 2019 Tend to Be FixedDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 6, 2020
File Size : 0.52 MB


Bangka Belitung Islands Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) in Quarter IV-2019 of 100.50. This means, according to consumers' perceptions of economic conditions in quarter IV-2019 compared to quarter III-2019 it tends to remain constant, unchanged.

Consumer perception in quarter IV-2019 is influenced by the three ITK forming variables, namely the Consumption Volume Index (102.83), the Current Income Index (99.82), and the Inflation Influence Index on the level of consumption (99.94).

Bangka Belitung Islands ITK value in the first quarter of 2020 is estimated at 101.33. According to consumers' perceptions, they are a bit more optimistic about the economic conditions in the coming quarter.

The Future Income Index is estimated at 110.13. Consumers are optimistic if their income in quarter I-2020 will be better than quarter IV-2019. However, consumers do not have plans to buy durable goods, recreation or holding a party / celebration. The Index Value for the Purchase of Durable, Recreation and Party / Celebration Items is below 100, which is 85.90.
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