One Data Indonesia Forum (SDI) Pangkal Pinang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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One Data Indonesia Forum (SDI) Pangkal Pinang City

One Data Indonesia Forum (SDI) Pangkal Pinang City

October 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Pangkal Pinang City Government Holds One Data Indonesia Forum: Review and Evaluation of the Implementation of SDI Principles

The Pangkal Pinang City Government through the One Data Indonesia Forum (SDI) held a meeting with the theme Review and Evaluation of the Implementation of One Data Indonesia Principles, which aims to strengthen collaboration between agencies in realizing quality, integrated, and accountable data governance.

The event was opened by the Regional Secretary of Pangkal Pinang City, Mr. Mie Go, ST, M.Si, who in his speech emphasized the importance of synergy between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and related agencies in realizing One Data that is useful for development planning and appropriate policy making.

The meeting was attended by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Pangkal Pinang City as the data supervisor, the Communication and Informatics Service (Diskominfo) of Pangkal Pinang City as the Data Guardian, Bapperida as the SDI secretariat, and OPDs throughout Pangkal Pinang City who act as sectoral data producers. The main focus of this forum is the review and evaluation of the implementation of the four principles of One Data Indonesia, namely statistical data standards, statistical metadata, data interoperability, and reference codes and/or master data.

The Head of BPS Pangkal Pinang City, Mrs. Dewi Savitri, on this occasion conveyed the results of the 2024 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation (EPSS) for Pangkal Pinang City. With a score of 2.89, Pangkal Pinang City received a good predicate and succeeded in achieving the highest score in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This achievement cannot be separated from the active role of all OPDs, especially the Health Office and Tourism Office, which have become the locus of this year's EPSS assessment.

As a form of appreciation, awards were presented to the Tourism Office and Health Office of Pangkal Pinang City for their contributions and performance in implementing sectoral statistics, which have supported the improvement of the quality of statistical data and information in Pangkal Pinang City.

In addition to discussing the implementation of the SDI principle, this event also discussed the use of basic statistical data, such as inflation data. In this session, there were speakers from the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, who explained the condition of purchasing power and savings of the people of Pangkal Pinang City. The presentation became an interactive discussion topic between forum participants and speakers, with various questions and responses regarding the challenges and opportunities for data management in supporting economic stability and community welfare.

It is hoped that through this forum, the implementation of One Data Indonesia in Pangkal Pinang City can be increasingly optimal, so that all parties can produce quality and easily accessible data to support better and more sustainable regional development.
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