Follow-up Population Census Evaluation Meeting in Pangkalpinang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Follow-up Population Census Evaluation Meeting in Pangkalpinang City

Follow-up Population Census Evaluation Meeting in Pangkalpinang City

June 29, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS Pangkalpinang City has carried out further data collection, namely more detailed/long data collection. A total of 6,224 households were selected to be the target of visits during the month of June 2022, after updating the data in the previous month. Wednesday, June 29, all data collection officers gathered at the Pangkalpinang City BPS Office on Jl Yos Sudarso no 94 to conduct an evaluation meeting.

The main purpose of detailed data collection or also known as Long Form SP2020 (LFSP2020) is to provide data related to demographic parameters such as births, deaths, and migration between regions and across countries. In addition, housing data and other important information are also included to support the sustainable development goals and the RPJMN for the population sector. For example, from mortality data, life expectancy parameters will be obtained which are an important part of human development indicators
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