SP2020 Evaluation Meeting BPS Pangkalpinang City Continued - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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SP2020 Evaluation Meeting BPS Pangkalpinang City Continued

SP2020 Evaluation Meeting BPS Pangkalpinang City Continued

June 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Tuesday (21/06), Pangkalpinang City BPS held an Advanced SP2020 Evaluation Meeting with the entire team, Koseka, and supervisors. In this evaluation meeting, the progress of field data collection in Pangkalpinang City was described.

In addition, the kortim and koseka were given time to discuss, especially regarding non-responsive households and how to solve the problem. At the end of the activity, rewards were given to the team coordinators who until June 20, 2022 had completed data collection in the field and had reached the target.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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