SP2020 Team Meeting Continued BPS Pangkalpinang Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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SP2020 Team Meeting Continued BPS Pangkalpinang Municipality

SP2020 Team Meeting Continued BPS Pangkalpinang Municipality

June 9, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Thursday (09/06), BPS Pangkalpinang City held the Advanced SP2020 Team Meeting with PPL, Koseka, and Supervisor.

This team meeting was held in order to strengthen the entire SP2020 Advanced team in Pangkalpinang City, to find out the progress of each team up to the 9th day of data collection, to find out what obstacles were encountered during data collection.

This team meeting was very special because it was attended by the Head of BPS for the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, Mr. Toto Haryanto Silitonga, S.Si., M.Eng. In his remarks, he said that in conducting data collection on households, census officers were expected to be able to properly convey the intent and purpose of their arrival, be able to respect and appreciate the selected households, so that they could speak well in the field.
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