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Now Pangkalpinang Municipality in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here


Product - News

Rising For Advanced Indonesia

Rising For Advanced Indonesia

Rising For Advanced Indonesia

August 17, 2020 | Other Activities

Indonesia is a nation that learns from experience. If in the past, our nation could rise from 350 years of colonialism, we would also be able to rise from the current pandemic era. We have to plough the momentum of this pandemic to take a big leap.

Technological leaps have helped us stay active: work from home, conduct censuses and surveys online, and stay in touch with families using communication devices. With the support of the nation's ideology and noble values, we will remain a strong nation. A nation that has been recognized for 75 years.

Let's give a contribution to our country according to its role and ability. BPS will continue to provide its best results in the form of quality data that will assist the country in planning its development. Help us generate quality data by being a good respondent in each of our censuses and surveys. Together we can!

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