Advanced SP2020 Socialization with OPD in Pangkalpinang Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Advanced SP2020 Socialization with OPD in Pangkalpinang Municipality

Advanced SP2020 Socialization with OPD in Pangkalpinang Municipality

May 11, 2022 | Other Activities

On Wednesday (11/05), Pangkalpinang City BPS held an Advanced SP2020 Socialization activity at Sun Hotel Pangkalpinang which was attended by all OPD and Sub-District Heads within the Pangkalpinang City Government.

The socialization was opened by the Coordinator of the Statistical Processing and Dissemination Integration Function, Bambang Sri Yuwono, S.Si., M.Sc.

The resource persons in this socialization were the Head of BPS Pangkalpinang City, Ir. Ahmad Thamrin, Head of Population and Civil Registration Office of Pangkalpinang City, Darwin, S.Pd Mat, and Head of Pangkalpinang City of Information and Communications Office, Drs. Sarbini, M.T.

It was said that the support of the OPD and community participation were very important in realizing quality data. So that the OPDs are requested to be able to help disseminate to the community and the closest environment if there are census officers in the field, please accept their arrival and provide data as they are.

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