The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in the Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province in August 2023 is 4.56 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in the Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province in August 2023 is 4.56 percent

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in the Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province in August 2023 is 4.56 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2023
File Size : 2.2 MB


  • The total labor force in August 2023 was 785,627 people, an increase of 18,024 people compared to August 2022. The Labor Force Participation Rate  increased by 0.96 percentage points.
  • The working population was 749,815 people, an increase of 18,843 people from August 2022. The employment sector that experienced the largest percentage increase was the Eating and Drinking Accommodation Sector (1.35 percentage points). Meanwhile, the employment sector that experienced the largest decline was the Mining and Quarrying Sector (2.47 percent points).
  • A total of 382,928 people (51.07 percent) worked in informal activities, an increase of 1.44 percentage points compared to August 2022.
  • The percentage of underemployed and part-time workers increased by 1.98 percentage points and 0.60 percentage points respectively compared to August 2022.
  • The Unemployment Rate in August 2023 was 4.56 percent, a decrease of 0.21 percentage points compared to August 2022.
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