The combination of 2 cities in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands experienced inflation of 1.05 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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The combination of 2 cities in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands experienced inflation of 1.05 percent

Release Date : August 1, 2022
File Size : 0.75 MB


  • In July 2022, the Combined 2 Cities in Bangka Belitung experienced inflation of 1.05 percent with a CPI of 114.44. The inflation rate for the calendar year July 2022 is 5.48 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (July 2022 to July 2021) is 7.77 percent.
  • The two CPI monitoring cities in the Bangka Belitung Islands province also experienced inflation, namely Pangkalpinang at 1.01 percent with a CPI of 112.88 and Tanjungpandan City by 1.12 percent with a CPI of 117.27.
  • This month's inflation occurred due to an increase in the index in 8 expenditure groups, namely the food, beverage and tobacco group by 0.68 percent; clothing and footwear group by 0.11 percent; housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups by 0.64 percent; household equipment, equipment and routine maintenance group by 0.18 percent; health group by 0.06 percent; transportation group by 5.10 percent; education group by 0.46 percent; and the group for providing food and beverages/restaurants by 0.16 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure groups that experienced a decline in the index were the information, communication, and financial services group by 0.03 percent; recreation, sports, and culture groups by 0.74 percent; and the personal care and other services group by 0.04 percent.
  • The inflation share of the Combined 2 Cities in Bangka Belitung in July 2022 was mainly contributed by air transportation commodities, shallots, and red chilies. Meanwhile, the restraining rate of inflation was caused by the decline in commodity prices of cooking oil, selar fish, and round fish.
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