February 2017, Open Unemployment amounted to 32,501 people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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February 2017, Open Unemployment amounted to 32,501 people

February 2017, Open Unemployment amounted to 32,501 peopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 15, 2017
File Size : 1.41 MB


  • The total labor force in February 2017 reached 728,489 people, increasing by 23,316 people compared to the total work force in August 2016 of 705,173 people and compared to the period of February 2016 increased by 40,841 persons ie 687,648 people.
  • The number of people working in February 2017 compared to August 2016 increased by 9,158 people. In February 2017 the number of people working as many as 695,988 people, and in August 2016 as many as 686,830 people.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in February 2017 was 4.46 percent, up 1.86 percentage points compared to that in August 2016 of 2.60 percent. But compared to TPT in February 2016 fell by 1.70 percent points.
  • Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in February 2017 was 70.35 percent, up by 1.42 percentage points compared to the TPAK in August 2016 of 68.93 percent.
  • The percentage of employment in the secondary sector in February 2017 was relatively stable compared to August 2016, while the primary sector experienced an increase of 1.91 percent points and the tertiary sector decreased by 2.47 percent points.
  • The secondary sector of manufacturing industry experienced a decrease in the labor force by 0.17 percentage points in February 2017 compared to August 2016. Meanwhile, the tertiary sector of trade, hotels and restaurants experienced a decrease in the number of workers by 2.64 percentage points in February 2017 compared to August 2016.
  • In February 2017, workers with working hours of less than 35 hours per week or part-time workers amounted to 223,196 persons or 32.07 percent of the total population of 15 years and over who worked.
  • In August 2016, the highest open unemployment rate (TPT) in the higher education group was 5.61 percent. While the education of SMU / SMK equal to 3.56 percent, and at the level of junior high school education / equivalent to only 1.64 percent.
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