HDI of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung in 2016 is 69.55 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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HDI of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung in 2016 is 69.55

HDI of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung in 2016 is 69.55Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 15, 2017
File Size : 1.91 MB


HDI Bangka Belitung Islands Year 2016

  • Human development in the Bangka Belitung Islands in 2016 continues to progress as marked by the continued Human Development Index (HDI) of Bangka Belitung Islands. In 2016, the Bangka Belitung Islands IPM has reached 69.55 This number increased by 0.50 points compared to the previous year which has a value of 69.05.

  • Human development in the Bangka Belitung Islands is "moderate", still the same as its status in 2015 and growing by 0.72 percent.

  • During the period 2015 to 2016, the components of the HDI also increased. Newborns have an opportunity to live up to 69.92 years, an increase of 0.04 years over the previous year. 7-year-olds have an opportunity to attend school for 11.71 years, an increase of 0.11 years compared to 2015. Meanwhile, the population aged 25 years and over on average have been educated for 7.62 years, an increase of 0.16 years Compared to the previous year. Per capita spending adjusted (constant 2012 prices) of the community has reached 11.960 million rupiah in 2016, an increase of Rp 179 thousand rupiah compared to the previous year.
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