The Consumer Tendency Index of Babel Quarter I was 98.34 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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The Consumer Tendency Index of Babel Quarter I was 98.34

The Consumer Tendency Index of Babel Quarter I was 98.34Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 15, 2017
File Size : 0.26 MB


A. Consumer Economy Conditions Quarter I-2017
  • According to consumer perception, economic condition of Bangka Belitung Islands Province in quarter I-2017 decreased compared to the previous quarter. The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) in the quarter fell 6.25 points to 98.34.
  • The declining consumer economic condition in quarter I-2017 was driven by the decrease of household income with index value of 98.70 and the influence of price increase (inflation) on consumption level with index value 94,58. Meanwhile, consumption of goods and services in Q1-2017 showed a not-so-significant increase, edging up 1 point from the previous quarter to 102.26.

B. Consumer Economic Outlook Quarter II-2017

  • Consumers in the province of Bangka Belitung Islands are optimistic if economic conditions in the second quarter of 2017 will be better than the first quarter-2017. The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) next quarter is estimated at 108.52, a significant rise of 10.18 points from this quarter.
  • Significant increase in household income (index value of 117.58) is expected to be the main driver of the upcoming economic recovery in the coming quarters.
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