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NTP In February 2016, the Provincial NTP (NTP Prov) commonly recorded at 101.38 a decrease of 0.62 percent over the previous month to reach 102.01. NTP due to a decrease in the price index Received Farmers (It) which dropped by 0.22 percentage points lower than the increase in the price index Paid Farmers (Ib) of 0.41 percent.
NTP each subsector recorded for food crops subsector (NTP-P) amounted to 97.69; Horticulture Subsector (NTP-H) of 100.41; Smallholder Crop Subsector (NTP-R) amounted to 103.63; Livestock Subsector (NTP-T) at 89.87; Fisheries Subsector (NTN-P) amounted to 105.25 with a group of Capture Fisheries (NTN) of 106.76 and a group of Aquaculture (NTPi) of 95.04.
In February 2016, inflation in rural areas in Bangka Belitung Province 0.46 percent, partly helped by some index of household consumption groups, namely foodstuff, food, housing, clothing, health, education, recreation, and sport.
Exchange Enterprises Household Agriculture (NTUP) Bangka Belitung province in February 2016 amounted to 107.82, down by 0.45 percent from the previous month to reach NTUP 108.30.