March 2016, the Export and Import Descending 38.07% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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March 2016, the Export and Import Descending 38.07%

March 2016, the Export and Import Descending 38.07%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 18, 2017
File Size : 0.28 MB


EXPORT Bangka Belitung Islands

  • The export value of Bangka Belitung Islands in March 2016 amounted to US $ 48.20 million, a decrease of 10.87 percent over the export value in February 2016, which reached US $ 54.08 million. Total exports are divided on tin exports amounted to US $ 35.79 million and nontimah of US $ 12.41 million.
  • Tin is the largest export which contribute 75.53 per cent of the total exports of the Province of Bangka Belitung. The main objective of tin exports from January to March, 2016 was Singapore, which reached US $ 56.87 million, or 49.79 percent of the total exports of tin, followed by India of US $ 12.86 million (11.26 percent), the Netherlands US $ 9.31 million (8, 15 percent), Taiwan US $ 7.77 million (6.80 percent) and the USA US $ 7.63 million (6.68 percent).
  • The main commodity largest contributor to exports nontimah Bangka Belitung Islands in January - March 2016 based on the code of the Harmonized System (HS) 2 digits is a group of oils or fats of animal and vegetable which is US $ 23.65 million contribute 63.89 percent to the total export nontimah, followed by groups of coffee, tea and spices US $ 8.07 million (21.81 percent); Various chemical products US $ 1.68 million (4.55 percent); fish and processed fish US $ 1.48 million (4.01 percent); Rubber and rubber goods from US $ 1.04 million (2.81 percent).
  • Exports nontimah in Pakistan in March 2016 to reach US $ 5.44 million. In the second position is occupied by the state of Malaysia, which totaled $ 3.27 jutaDiikuti Japan US $ 1.27 million, Thailand US $ 0.58 million, China US $ 0.51 million, and Singapore US $ 0.34 million. Meanwhile, in March 2016, no export to the Republic of Korea.

IMPORT Bangka Belitung Islands

  • Import value of Bangka Belitung Province in March 2016 was recorded at US $ 4.26 million, decreased by 38.07 percent compared to the month of February 2016 reached US $ 6.88 million.
  • Until March 2016 that have the largest import value is the class of ships and floating structures (HS 89) of US $ 3.30 million contribute 77.17 percent of the total imports of Bangka Belitung province. Followed by fertilizers (HS 31) US $ 0.35 million (8.29 percent); machineries / mechanic (HS 84) of US $ 0.28 million (6.55 percent); machinery / equipment (HS 85) and ceramic products (HS 69) each with the same number of import value amounting to US $ 0.05 million; objects of iron and steel (HS 73) of US $ 0.03 million (0.78 percent).
  • When compared with the month of February 2016, the visible decline in total imports of five major countries of up to 38.07 percent. The largest decrease was from China amounting to 98.60 percent from US $ 3.37 million to US $ 0.05 million in March 2016. On the other hand Malaysia increased by 451.77 percent from US $ 0.06 million to $ 0.34 million. Singapore also increased by 5.75 percent from US $ 3.45 million in the last month to US $ 3.65 million.
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