Exports increased by 106.33 percent compared to the export value in November 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Exports increased by 106.33 percent compared to the export value in November 2015

Exports increased by 106.33 percent compared to the export value in November 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 18, 2017
File Size : 0.74 MB


Tin exports increased sharply 131.58 percent to US $ 88.60 million contributed increasing exports of Bangka Belitung Provincein December 2015 to reach US $ 110.30 millionSimilarly, the export nontimah were also increased by 42.79 percent to US $ 21.71 million.
Import value of Bangka Belitung Islands in December 2015 was recorded at US $ 8.69 millionso the Bangka Belitung Provincestill had a surplus trade balanceValue of trade balance surplus of US $ 101.61 million.
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