Bangka Belitung Islands Economic Growth In 2014 4,10%, Slowing Compared to Quarter I-2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Bangka Belitung Islands Economic Growth In 2014 4,10%, Slowing Compared to Quarter I-2014

Bangka Belitung Islands Economic Growth In 2014 4,10%, Slowing Compared to Quarter I-2014Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 9, 2015
File Size : 0.25 MB


  • Economic Bangka Belitung Islands first quarter of 2015 as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices (ADHB) reached USD 14 722 billion and GDP at constant prices in 2010 the amount reached Rp11.201 billion.
  • Economic Bangka Belitung Islands first quarter of 2015 when compared to the first quarter of 2014 (y-on-y) grew by 4.10 percent experienced a slowdown when compared to the first quarter of 2014 at 4.35 percent. Meanwhile, when compared to the previous quarter (q-to-q) contracted by 0.48 percent, the lowest quarterly conditions since 2010.
  •  On the production side, mining conditions are re-hit by the selling price of tin is low and the field of agricultural businesses that used to be a balancing of the economy, the conditions are not much different because the selling prices of agricultural products, namely palm oil and rubber decreased, weakening the impact on almost the entire field business. On the expenditure side, weaker global economic conditions coupled with the sluggish condition of the tin in Babylon by the decline in world tin prices, the declining price of crude palm oil and rubber, the impact of rising fuel prices and electricity tariffs earlier, the impact of banning civil servants meeeting package at the hotel, as well as the low absorption of the government budget affects the Inter-regional decline in Net Exports, Government Consumption, Exports of Foreign Affairs, and Gross Fixed Capital Formation.
  • Total GDP ADHB Sumatra Island in the first quarter of 2015 to reach Rp627.395 billion dollars, or about 22.56 percent of the total GDP 33 provinces in Indonesia, while GDP ADHK Sumatra Island in the first quarter 2015 reached Rp476.994 billion with a growth of 0.03 percent (q-to-q) and 3.53 percent (y-on-y). While GDP Bangka Belitung Islands contributed 2.35 percent to the GDP of Sumatra and 0.53 percent to the total GDP 33 provinces in Indonesia.
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