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Product - News

Socialization and Activation of Digital Population Identity (IKD)

Socialization and Activation of Digital Population Identity (IKD)

Socialization and Activation of Digital Population Identity (IKD)

October 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Socialization and Activation of Digital Population Identity (IKD) in Increasing the Participation of Pangkal Pinang City BPS Employees in the Digital Revolution

As a form of digital transformation related to population data, the Pangkal Pinang City Dukcapil Team provided digital population identity activation services for Pangkal Pinang City BPS employees, on Friday 25 October 2024, located in the Pangkal Pinang City BPS BPS Meeting Room

The activity was opened by the Head of Pangkal Pinang City BPS, Dewi Savitri and led by the Head of Population Administration Information Management and Data Utilization at Pangkal Pinang City Disdukcapil, Salmiwati.

This digitization of population data is to support the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) program, and is expected to make it easier for the public to carry out public and private service transactions only through applications on smartphones.
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