A Compact Atmosphere at the Halal Bi Halal Event at the Pangkal Pinang City BPS Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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A Compact Atmosphere at the Halal Bi Halal Event at the Pangkal Pinang City BPS Office

A Compact Atmosphere at the Halal Bi Halal Event at the Pangkal Pinang City BPS Office

April 17, 2024 | Other Activities

The Pangkal Pinang City BPS Office held a Halal Bi Halal event on Wednesday morning, April 17 2024, which was attended by all employees and management. This event is an opportunity for friendship and strengthening ties of brotherhood among all employees and leadership levels.

The event began with a speech from the Head of BPS Pangkal Pinang City. He expressed his gratitude for the togetherness that has existed between the employees so far, and his hope that this spirit of togetherness will continue to be maintained in the future.
This Halal Bi Halal event is not only a moment to stay in touch and strengthen ties of brotherhood among Pangkal Pinang City BPS employees, but also as a form of togetherness in building better institutions in the future.
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