Citing and Updating Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and DUTL ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Citing and Updating Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and DUTL ST2023

Citing and Updating Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and DUTL ST2023

June 24, 2022 | BPS Activities

The agricultural sector has an important role in people's lives, especially food security and raw materials for other sectors. Given the importance of the agricultural sector, BPS conducted the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023).

As an initial step in the implementation of ST2023, the ST2023 DPP-DUTL was updated at the Bangka Botanical Garden (BBG) as well as socializing the preparations for the ST2023 implementation.

On Friday (24/06), Pangkalpinang City BPS quoted and updated the Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and the Directory of Other Agricultural Businesses (DUTL) ST2023 as well as the ST2023 Socialization at the Bangka Botanical Garden (BBG) of Pangkalpinang City as an initial step in preparation for the Agricultural Census. 2023.

This activity was attended by Representatives of BPS for the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Mr. M.Hendy Saputra S.ST., Head of BPS for Pangkalpinang City, Mr. Ir. Ahmad Thamrin, and the Head of the Food and Agriculture Office of Pangkalpinang City, Mr. Samri S.P., M.S.
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