114th National Awakening Day Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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114th National Awakening Day Ceremony

114th National Awakening Day Ceremony

May 20, 2022 | Other Activities

This year, we commemorate the 114th National Awakening Day. This year, “Come on
Bangkit Bersama” became the theme for the commemoration of the National Awakening Day as a form of
a call so that we can rise together from the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit two
last year.

The commemoration of the National Awakening Day should not only be interpreted as a ceremonial one. In order to understand the historical essence of the National Awakening.

To commemorate the National Awakening Day, BPS Pangkalpinang City held a commemoration ceremony for the National Awakening Day which was attended by all employees at the Pangkalpinang City BPS office with the composition of the ceremonial officers as follows:

Supervisor : Head of BPS Pangkalpinang City
Leader : Sitorus Diamond
Host : Nur Faizah
Conductor : Jawani
Flag Raising Officer:
1. Yosefrianto
2. Syavhana YZP
3. M. Hasbi Siddiqi
Readers of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution: Mardian Zahdi
Prayer Reader : Yudi A
Documentation : Wulandari

Quoting dr. Soetomo "The success or failure of this business only depends on the
our sincerity, depends on our ability to work. I believe that fate
the future homeland lies in our hands.”

In the midst of the momentum for the national handling of COVID-19 which is getting better and the Presidency
G20 Indonesia, we should be able to interpret the seriousness of the spirit of dr. Soetomo for
commemorate National Awakening Day this year as a milestone in the awakening of
The COVID-19 pandemic is also a multidimensional crisis that is sweeping the world.

From Indonesia,
The World Recovers Together.
Let's Rise Stronger!!
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