Socialization of Pangkalpinang City BPS Employee Work Target (SKP) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Socialization of Pangkalpinang City BPS Employee Work Target (SKP)

Socialization of Pangkalpinang City BPS Employee Work Target (SKP)

April 26, 2022 | Other Activities

On this day, Tuesday 26 April 2022, all Pangkalpinang City BPS employees attended the SKP socialization which was opened by the Head of Pangkalpinang City BPS and speaker Ari Ardiansyah from BPS Bangka Belitung Islands Province.
The socialization starts at 10.00 WIB - ends.

SKP is an Employee Work Target that is in one of the elements in the PNS Work Performance Assessment regulated in Government Regulation Number 46 of 2011. Performance appraisal is an assessment carried out by superiors by subordinates. How to determine the target quantity in jobs that cannot be predicted or the output from others is by considering the amount of output that entered in previous years.
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