Final Announcement of SP2020 LF Officer Recruitment - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Final Announcement of SP2020 LF Officer Recruitment

Final Announcement of SP2020 LF Officer Recruitment

March 30, 2022 | Other Activities

The Population Census is a national priority activity carried out by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) based on the mandate of Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics and in line with the recommendations of the United Nations (UN).

SP2020 activities generally aim to provide data on the number, composition, distribution, and characteristics of the Indonesian population towards the One Indonesian Population Data.

One of the activities of the population census LF is the recruitment of officers. The recruitment of officers at BPS Pangkalpinang itself has been completed.

The announcement of the results of the recruitment of candidates for the 2020 Population Census Long Form (LF SP2020) can be seen at:

Congratulations to the candidates who passed the recruitment. For those who have not passed, I hope to meet you on another occasion. Keep spirit!
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