Domestic Trade Survey Officer Briefing (PDN) 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Domestic Trade Survey Officer Briefing (PDN) 2022

Domestic Trade Survey Officer Briefing (PDN) 2022

March 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

The trade sector is one of the activities that have a strategic role in development. In carrying out trading activities, differences in the availability and demand for commodities in each province as well as fluctuations and disparities in the prices of basic goods between regions are quite high, which are the driving factors for inter-regional trade. In 2022, BPS will carry out a Domestic Trade Survey which is integrated with the Inter-regional Trade Survey (PAW), the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) and the Integrated Business Activity Quarterly Survey (STKU) which have been implemented by BPS since 2017.

Taking place in the Pangkalpinang City BPS Meeting Room, on March 15, 2022 a briefing for the 2022 Domestic Trade Survey (PDN) officers was held. The opening of the PDN Briefing was attended by the coordinator of the statistical distribution function of BPS Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Taufik, MAP. and Head of BPS Pangkalpinang city, Ir. Ahmad Thamrin.

The implementation of the domestic trade survey is expected to produce an overview of the profile of business/company economic activities in the trade sector, obtain trade values, obtain trade maps between regions, find out the main modes of transportation used, obtain trade distribution patterns and obtain total trade and transportation margins. (MPP) from producers to final consumers and obtain the latest production value index data/income/output of companies/businesses in the trade sector, transportation sector, transportation and warehousing sector, information sector and financial sector on a quarterly basis.
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