Implementation of the Wilkerstat ST2023 Load and Geospatial Framework Update - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Implementation of the Wilkerstat ST2023 Load and Geospatial Framework Update

Implementation of the Wilkerstat ST2023 Load and Geospatial Framework Update

March 1, 2022 | BPS Activities

The 2023 Agricultural Census is a major ten-year activity that aims to provide an actual picture of the condition of agriculture in Indonesia. In general, ST2023 has the following objectives:

Get complete and accurate agricultural statistical data in order to get a clear picture of agriculture in Indonesia
Obtain a sampling frame that can be used as a basis for sampling for surveys in the agricultural sector
Obtain various information about the population of agricultural businesses, the number of trees and livestock, the distribution of land tenure and exploitation according to broad groups, and so on.

The results of the complete ST2023 enumeration will also be used as benchmarks for surveys in the agricultural sector. Due to the importance of this census activity, in 2022 several activities have been carried out to prepare ST2023, one of which is the ST2023 Geospatial Framework and Contents Update activity.

The Wilkerstat ST2023 Geospatial Framework and Load Updating Activity (or hereinafter Wilkerstat ST2023 Update) is an activity to update the geospatial framework in the form of mapping as the basis for compiling the ST2023 base map and updating the contents of the Census Blocks (BS) throughout Kapuas Regency. The Wilkerstat ST2023 Update Field Officer consists of a Mapping Officer and a Supervisory Officer. The Wilkerstat ST2023 Update field activity was carried out on March 1 – 31, 2022.

The tasks carried out by the Mapping Officer are visiting the head of the Local Environmental Unit (SLS) to obtain information on the latest SLS limits and BS loads, fixing SLS boundaries, and geotagging samples of land cover, agricultural infrastructure, and SLS boundaries.

Meanwhile, the tasks carried out by the Supervisory Officer are visiting the village/kelurahan office to confirm SLS, identify the presence of SLS and record a list of changes, field supervision, and check maps and compile documents updating wilkerstat.

On March 1, this is the first day all officers go to the field to carry out their duties.
Hopefully all activities can run smoothly, while still adhering to health protocols.
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