Development of Sectoral Statistics through Interactive Dialogue Towards One Agricultural Data in Pan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Development of Sectoral Statistics through Interactive Dialogue Towards One Agricultural Data in Pan

Development of Sectoral Statistics through Interactive Dialogue Towards One Agricultural Data in Pan

January 11, 2022 | Other Activities

Today, Tuesday 11 January 2022 starting at 8.30 am, the City BPS held an event "Sectoral Statistics Development Through Interactive Dialogue Towards One Agricultural Data in Pangkalpinang City" which took place in the Pangkalpinang City BPS Meeting Room.

 The event, which was initiated by BPS Pangkalpinang and the Food and Agriculture Service of Pangkalpinang City, was also attended by participants from the BPS Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the Office of Communication and Informatics of Pangkalpinang City.
In this sectoral statistical development activity, BPS as the data builder conducts dialogues and discussions regarding the need and availability of agricultural data in Pangkalpinang City along with various obstacles and solutions so that the agricultural data produced is quality, timely and useful for development.

As resource persons at this event, Ahmad Thamrin (Head of BPS Pangkalpinang City), Samri (Head of the Food and Agriculture Service of Pangkalpinang City), Tituk Indrawati (Statistics of the BPS Associate of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province), as well as Zulfahmi and Nurhayati (Head of Division and Head of Section of the Department of Agriculture). Pangkalpinang City Communication and Informatics).

Through this activity, it is hoped that there will be a collaboration and
a strong synergy between Data Trustees (BPS), Walidata (Dinas Kominfo) and Data Producers (Department of Food and Agriculture) towards the realization of One Data in Pangkalpinang City.
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