Support from the Mayor of Pangkalpinang, Mr. Maulan Aklil in the implementation of the 2022 Cost of - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Support from the Mayor of Pangkalpinang, Mr. Maulan Aklil in the implementation of the 2022 Cost of

Support from the Mayor of Pangkalpinang, Mr. Maulan Aklil in the implementation of the 2022 Cost of

December 21, 2021 | Other Activities

Support from the Mayor of Pangkalpinang, Mr. Maulan Aklil in the implementation of the 2022 Cost of Living Survey (SBH2022)

SBH2022 aims to produce commodity packages and weighing charts that will be used to calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The movement of the CPI will be observed later. When there is a positive change in the CPI, we know it as inflation.

Meanwhile, when negative changes occur, we call it deflation.

Let's succeed together #SBH2022
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