Coordination and Socialization at the Food and Agriculture Office of Pangkalpinang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Coordination and Socialization at the Food and Agriculture Office of Pangkalpinang City

Coordination and Socialization at the Food and Agriculture Office of Pangkalpinang City

June 24, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday, June 24, 2021 BPS of Pangkalpinang City carried out coordination and socialization at the Food and Agriculture Office of Pangkalpinang City. This activity was carried out in preparation for the 2021 SItasi and the Agricultural Census #ST2023.

In order to meet the need for sustainable agricultural data, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) will for the first time carry out the Integrated Agricultural Survey (SITASI)/ Agricultural Integrated Survey (AGRIS).

AGRIS/SITASI is a breakthrough and innovation in providing agricultural-rural statistical data in Indonesia, especially in supporting the calculation of the indicators of the Agricultural SDGs in Indonesia.

AGRIS/SITASI combines core and module questionnaires to photograph the agricultural sector in a detailed, integrated, and comprehensive manner in the inter-census years. The core questionnaire is implemented annually to capture key information, while the module questionnaire is rotated to photograph the agricultural sector thematically.
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