2021 Special Annual Balance of Expenditure Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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2021 Special Annual Balance of Expenditure Survey

2021 Special Annual Balance of Expenditure Survey

June 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

In order to meet the data needs related to the components of the PDRB Expenditure preparation, BPS will conduct various special annual surveys of the expenditure balance.

The survey aims to obtain comprehensive data on economic activity, both production, consumption and investment by institutional sector, including households, LNPRT, companies and government agencies.

On Thursday & Friday (17-18 June 2021), BPS Pangkalpinang City has held an online Training for Officers of the 2021 Expenditure Balance Annual Special Surveys. The training was officially opened by the Head of BPS Pangkalpinang City, Mr. Ahmad Thamrin and was attended by 10 training participants.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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