Opening of Training for Candidates for Trustees of 100 Statistic Love Villages - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Opening of Training for Candidates for Trustees of 100 Statistic Love Villages

Opening of Training for Candidates for Trustees of 100 Statistic Love Villages

April 26, 2021 | Other Activities

On this Monday, April 26, 2021, BPS Pangkalpinang City will take part in the Opening of the Training for Candidates for Trustees of 100 Statistic Love Villages, where there are 2 BPS Pangkalpinang City employees who will become supervisors for the Beautiful Village/Kelurahan in Pangkalpinang City later.

The Beautiful Village Program was started by BPS in February 2021 for 100 selected villages in Indonesia. This program aims to improve the competence of village officials in data management and utilization, so that village development planning can be more targeted. This program is also an effort to realize the village SDGs target No. 17.
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