Coordination related to the program "Village/Village of Beauty" Desa Cinta Statistik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Coordination related to the program "Village/Village of Beauty" Desa Cinta Statistik

Coordination related to the program "Village/Village of Beauty" Desa Cinta Statistik

April 6, 2021 | Other Activities

Today, Tuesday 6 April 2021, BPS Pangkalpinang City accompanied by the Communications and Information Technology of Pangkalpinang City coordinated the "Beautiful Village/Kelurahan" program, Cinta Statistik Village,
which is a priority for statistical development in the Desa Cantik quick win program in 2021 in realizing quality data.

The Beautiful Village Program is a form of BPS responsibility in providing sectoral statistics development, as stated in Law no. 16 of 1997 on statistics. With this program, BPS targets to improve the competence of village officials. The main focus is to prepare village officials to have a better understanding of statistics. In addition, BPS also hopes that in the future there will be statistical love communities born in villages.
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