Briefing of Distribution Survey Officers (Inter-regional Trade Survey and Distribution Pattern Surve - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Briefing of Distribution Survey Officers (Inter-regional Trade Survey and Distribution Pattern Surve

Briefing of Distribution Survey Officers (Inter-regional Trade Survey and Distribution Pattern Surve

April 1, 2021 | BPS Activities

Today, Thursday 1 April 2021, BPS Pangkalpinang City will hold a Distribution Survey Officer Briefing (Inter-regional Trade Survey and Distribution Pattern Survey),
where this activity was held in the Meeting Room of the Pangkalpinang City BPS Office, starting at 09.00 WIB until finished.

This survey is a development of a survey on trade distribution patterns that has been carried out since 2009. Starting in 2017, inter-regional trade activities are separated from the trade distribution pattern survey to see in more detail inter-regional trade activities for all commodities traded between provinces.
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