The Statistical Data Bulletin Repository (BUNDA's) can be accessed here
Welcome to the Website BPS of Pangkalpinang City. | All publications from BPS of Pangkalpinang City can be downloaded for free via this link | To obtain data, please come to the BPS Integrated Statistics Service (PST) of Pangkalpinang Municipality, Monday-Friday from 08.00-15.30 WIB, or by email to with the subject: Data Request
In 2020, BPS Pangkalpinang City besides holding an ONLINE POPULATION CENSURE (February-May), also carried out field activities for the SEPTEMBER 2020 SENSUS POPULATION in the context of #MencatatIndonesia.
The implementation of the 2020 POPULATION CENsus field activities still pays attention to health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic, the September 2020 SP series of activities can run smoothly with the participation and cooperation of many parties, especially the officers who remain enthusiastic about their duties. Of course, this activity is very useful because the data is very useful for Indonesia.
To see the complete series of activities for the SP 2020 field enumeration, you can access it at
Jika #SahabatData memiliki pertanyaan seputar data/informasi statistik, silahkan sampaikan melalui chat WhatsApp RISTI. Kami siap membantu dan merespon setiap hari kerja, Senin s.d. Kamis pukul 08.00 – 15.00 WIB dan Jumat pukul 08.00 – 15.30 WIB
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Pangkalpinang (Statistics-Pangkalpinang City)Jl. Yos Sudarso