Signing of Work Agreement (SPK) for Census Officers 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Signing of Work Agreement (SPK) for Census Officers 2020

Signing of Work Agreement (SPK) for Census Officers 2020

August 25, 2020 | Other Activities

Tuesday, August 25, 2020, BPS Pangkalpinang City carried out the arrival of Work Agreement Letters (SPK) for 2020 Census Officers.

Population census means the periodic calculation of the population. The data obtained, usually includes not only the number of people, but also facts regarding, for example, gender, age, language, and other things deemed necessary.

SP2020 itself will be carried out in two stages, namely: 1. Online Population Census (15 February to 29 May 2020) which allows residents to fill in their information independently. 2. Interview Population Census (1 to 30 September 2020). Census officers will conduct interviews with residents who have not been able to participate in the Online Population Census.
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