BPS Road to Kampus: Debriefing Internship at IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung College - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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BPS Road to Kampus: Debriefing Internship at IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung College

BPS Road to Kampus: Debriefing Internship at IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung College

July 15, 2020 | Other Activities

On July 15, 2020, BPS in the City of Pangkalpinang attended an Internship Briefing at the IAIN SAS Bangka Belitung Campus. Head of BPS in Pangkalpinang Municipality (Ahmad Thamrin) had the opportunity to be a guest speaker with the theme of Economic Statistics and Work Ethics in the Office. On that occasion, BPS Kota Pangkalpinang conducted an information dissemination on BPS data services through the website, android and PST, while also socializing the 2020 Advanced Population Census which was planned to be held on 1-30 September 2020.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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