Socialization of Population Census 2020 to Bukit Intan Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Socialization of Population Census 2020 to Bukit Intan Subdistrict

Socialization of Population Census 2020 to Bukit Intan Subdistrict

December 4, 2019 | BPS Activities

On December 4, 2019, BPS Head of Pangkalpinang City, Mr. Ahmad Thamrin, conducted a socialization of the 2020 Population Census to the Bukit Intan District. The event was attended by all Lurahs, Lurah Secretaries, and Employees of Bukit Intan District.
On this occasion, the event was opened by the Secretary of the Bukit Intan District, Mr. Rico Ariputra. Mr Thamrin expressed his hope that all residents of Bukit Intan could actively participate in the upcoming SP2020 activities. Do not forget, Bapal Rico Ariputra added that each village to actively participate in socializing SP2020 to their respective citizens so that they can prepare themselves on the 15th of February 2020.
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