Pangkal Pinang Municipality Regional Poverty Reduction Team Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Pangkal Pinang Municipality Regional Poverty Reduction Team Coordination Meeting

Pangkal Pinang Municipality Regional Poverty Reduction Team Coordination Meeting

October 25, 2019 | Other Activities

On October 25, 2019, the Head of BPS of the City of Pangkalpinang, Mr. Ahmad Thamrin, had the opportunity to be one of the speakers at the Pangkal Pinang City Regional Poverty Reduction Team Coordination Meeting which took place in the Pangkalpinang Bappeda & Research and Development Meeting Room.

The event was opened by the Pangkalpinang City Economic and Development Assistant, Ir. Suryo Kusbandoro, MM as the representative of the Mayor of Pangkalpinang. Besides that, the material was also delivered by the Bappeda of the Kep Province. Bangka Belitung was represented by H. Fitriyansyah and the final material was delivered by the Social Service and Empowerment of Women & Children in Pangkalpinang, represented by Ms. Rika Komarina.

On this occasion, during the event, the Pangkalpinang BPS did not forget about the 2020 Population Census that will be held in February 2020. It is hoped that all Pangkal Pinang City residents will be able to actively participate in this SP2020 activity.
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