Focus Group Discussion on Regional Publication in Figures 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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Focus Group Discussion on Regional Publication in Figures 2019

Focus Group Discussion on Regional Publication in Figures 2019

July 23, 2019 | Other Activities

On July 23, 2019, a Focus Group was held to discuss the discussion of Regional publications in 2019. The event, which was held at the Bappeda & R & D meeting room in Pangkalpinang Municipality, was opened by Ir. Suryo Kusbandoro, MM, Economic and Development Assistant and Agung Yubi Utama, SE, M.TP, Head of Bappeda & R & D of Pangkalpinang Municipality. As moderator at the event was Mr. Suparlan from Bappeda & R & D, while as speakers were Mr. Ahmad Thamrin, Head of BPS of Pangkalpinang Municipality, and Mrs. Elis, Head of Diskominfo, Coding and Statistics Division in Pangkalpinang Municipality.

The activities of the FGD on the Discussion of Regional Publications in 2019 Figures are as follows:

1. Communication, namely as a form of coordination of organizers of statistical activities in the context of identifying and analyzing data requirements, coordinating the provision of data, equating perceptions of data interpretation, increasing sector commitment in providing quality and timely data

2. Data and Information, namely the availability of quality, comprehensive and integrated data and information up to the smallest regional level

3. Data Needs and Availability, where there is no data gap between what is needed and what is available

4. Utilization of Data, namely encouraging regional governments to utilize data for development planning, policy formulation, governance, and public services.
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