November 2016, Pangkalpinang Experienced an Inflation of 0,56 % - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pangkal Pinang Municipality

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November 2016, Pangkalpinang Experienced an Inflation of 0,56 %

November 2016, Pangkalpinang Experienced an Inflation of 0,56 %

November 1, 2016 | Other Activities

In November 2016, Pangkalpinang City experienced an inflation of 0.56% in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) amounted to 130.85 after earlier in October 2016 experienced a deflation of 0.34%.
Inflation occurs because of the price increases indicated by the rise in the index in six groups of expenditure which foodstuffs of 1.98 percent; food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.06 per cent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.17 percent; clothing group by 0.30 percent; health group by 1,93 percent; as well as the education, recreation and sports by 0.07 percent. While the transportation, communications, and financial services experienced a deflation of 0.77 percent.
The inflation rate is the November 2016 calendar year inflation of 5.72 percent and the inflation rate year-on-year (November 2016 to November 2015) amounted to 7.37 percent.
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